Start your learning and research journey with us! Make SUSS Library your first stop for electronic resources for your assignments and academic research.
This guide serves as a little overview of what the library offers and how you can make the most of our resources to support your research.
You can always Ask The Library by emailing us at, or check out our FAQs.
Enter your keywords into the search box on the SUSS Library website to look for scholarly journal articles, book chapters, news, reports, dissertations, proceedings, videos, datasets and more.
You may also access directly for more options, e.g., title and author searches.
SUSS library is located at Block C, Level 2, C.2.02.
Students can access the library by scanning the digital card on their SUSS Backpack App on the right reader. The Backpack App is downloadable free of charge from Apple AppStore and Google Play.
Library Opening Hours
Weekdays: 9am – 9pm
Saturdays: 9am – 5pm
Semester Break:
Weekdays: 9am – 5pm
Closed on Sundays, Public Holidays and University shutdown days.
We have individual study spaces, group discussion rooms and call pods for use. Visit the Library Facilities page to know more.
Sign in to your account with your SUSS username and password (the same ID and password you use to login to Canvas and Student Portal) to carry out more complete searches and get secured access to licensed resources. By logging in, you will also be able to save your search results (using the pin icon) for future reference.
Learn how to log in here.
Forgot your password, or need to reset your account? Learn how to do so here.
Find library databases and e-collections at
If you are looking for a specific journal, go to Journals on Library Search and key in the journal’s title or ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).
To search for newspaper articles, use Factiva or Newslink. For more news resources, filter databases by type: Newspapers & Magazines.
Most of the Library’s eBooks are hosted in eBooks (EBSCO) and may be located using Library Search. To browse this and other eBook collections, filter databases by type: eBook Collection.
A list of databases that are searchable only within their respective platforms is provided on the Library Search page.
To read your favourite journals on the go, download the BrowZine app to your preferred devices:
An overview of BrowZine can be found in this how-to guide:
Should you come across resources outside the SUSS Library Portal, you can easily check if the University has a subscription by adding the Library’s proxy bookmarklet and LibKey Nomad extension to your browser and linking Google Scholar to SUSS Library.
3 Easy Steps to Borrow Physical Library Resources
Use the Library Search to locate physical library resources.
Sign in to your account to request the items.
Pick up the requested items 24/7 from the Smart Locker at Block C, Level 2 (C.2.02).
Discover more about borrowing physical library resources. Click here.
We also build Research Guides to connect students to key resources in their field of study, help them make the most of the library, and more.
Do check out The Library Blog as well, for library updates, extra tips and tricks relating to resources, and academic life in general.
Have a question? We are here to help.
Browse our knowledge base of students’ frequently asked questions at
Can’t find the answer you need? Email the Library team at or fill in the online form.
You may also arrange to meet with our librarians at
We conduct library workshops to develop your literacy skills. You can make an appointment with our librarians to get personalized guidance on using library resources.
We have also curated a Library Research collection in LinkedIn Learning for courses such as Information Literacy (1h 47min) as well as bite-sized videos on conducting literature reviews and using various citation styles.
You can always Ask The Library to request for an instructional session at, or check out our FAQs.
SUSS Library is proud to bring Document Delivery Service (DDS) to the entire SUSS community.
DDS will allow you to request eligible e-resources held at the local Autonomous Universities’ Libraries as well as participating libraries around the world—some 570 libraries in total.
You will be able to request:
For your personal, non-commercial, academic, research, or educational purposes (Terms).
Click on Document Delivery Service found below the search box on the SUSS Library website to submit a request (sign in to your SUSS Library account when prompted):
You can also send a request directly from your search results if the full-text article or chapter is not available in SUSS Library, e.g., if you had checked “Expand My Results” or clicked on a “Related reading”.
Watch the video demonstration!
Please allow up to 3 working days for your request to be fulfilled. You will receive a personalised, authenticated link via email, and you will have 30 days and 3 chances to download the resource.
Should you require any assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to Ask The Library at
Library resources available via SUSS Library or from third party libraries ("Works") are provided to SUSS authorized users strictly for their personal, non-commercial, academic, research or educational purposes, and in accordance with all applicable copyright laws (including, but not limited to, the Singapore Copyright Act 2021) and all terms of use under which SUSS’ provision of the Works to them is subject. Please adhere to the policies, terms and conditions, rules, and restrictions imposed by SUSS Library and the respective academic libraries that authorized and/or rendered the services.
The following FAQ is or your reference:
For details, please refer to the Appropriate Use of Electronic / Physical Resources and Library Usage Guidelines.