This guide highlights useful Chinese resources on Chinese Studies, Chinese language and literature, translation, and Early Childhood Education:
2. Sources Beyond SUSS Library
SUSS Publications
Do you know that the Centre for Chinese Studies@SUSS 新社科大中华学术中心 publishes two series - SUSS Humanities Series 新跃人文丛书 and Chinese Enterprises and Communities Monograph Series 华商华社研究丛书?
Both series cover topics on Chinese society in Southeast Asia, Singaporean and Malaysian Chinese literature and Chinese popular culture, etc.
Books from these series are available from SUSS Library.
(Login to SUSS Library when you are prompted to sign in. Refer to our FAQ on How to Login to SUSS Library for details.)
(新社科大图书馆电子资源须透过 SUSS Library Login 认证读者身份。请使用您的帐号登入。有关详情,请浏览我们的常见问题解答。)
新社科大出版物 (SUSS Publications)
新跃人文丛书 SUSS Humanities Series
9. 根植与共建 — 新加坡学前教育研究 (新跃人文丛书之九)
10. 朝向环境伦理:新马华文诗文中的生态书写(1976-2016)(新跃人文丛书之十)
11. 多元和统一:新加坡的语言与社会 (新跃人文丛书之十一)
华商华社丛书 Chinese Enterprises and Communities Monograph Series
1. 国际元立集团"企业家族"信念之探讨 (华商华社丛书之一 )
Chinese Studies/Language & Literature/Translation
Do explore our selected ebooks. More subjects will be added progressively. Please look out for them!
(Login to SUSS Library if you are prompted to sign in. Refer to our FAQ on How to Login to SUSS Library for details.)
跃大图书馆的电子资源须透过 SUSS Library 网站认证读者身份。请使用您的帐号登入。
文学 / Literature
1. 方修选集(上下册)
2. 新加坡华文文学五十年
5. 朝向环境伦理:新马华文诗文中的生态书写(1976-2016)(新跃人文丛书之十)
6. 首届方修文学奖获奖作品集小说卷下册:《梦里阳光灿烂》,《河》
11. . 首届方修文学奖获奖作品集:散文卷下册
13. 中国文学
14. 鲁迅在东南亚
语言语文 (包括翻译学)/ Language (Includes Translation & Interpretation)
1. 现代华语概论
2. 华语语法
5. 多元和统一:新加坡的语言与社会 (新跃人文丛书之十一)
6. 英汉汉英散文翻译与评析
7. 文学翻译研究
8. 汉语言风格文化新视界
9. 英汉汉英散文翻译与评析
海外华人社会 / Chinese Overseas
2. 移民与兴起的中国
3. 新加坡华社五十年
6. 五四在东南亚
8. 近代华侨史研究资料
Early Childhood Education
Do explore the selected ebooks. New titles will be added progressively. Please look out for them!
(Login to SUSS Library if you are prompted to sign in. Refer to our FAQ on How to Login to SUSS Library for details.)
跃大图书馆的电子资源须透过 SUSS Library 网站认证读者身份。请使用您的帐号登入。
1. 儿童早期发展总论
2. 儿童心理疏导
3. 儿童语言学习心理
4. 儿童心理行为发展与评估
5. 陪伴是最好的教育
HyRead platform provides access to 66 Chinese eBook titles mainly from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan covering Chinese Studies, language and literature. New titles will be added over time.
Access: Allow 1 offline reading and 2 online readings per title
Loan Quota: 3 eBooks
Loan duration: 7 days
Renewal: One-time
Installation of “HyRead Reader” software is required for offline reading.
Please refer to the FAQ provided by HyRead for details.
Our CNKI eBooks collection provides full-text access to selected Chinese titles covering Chinese studies, language and literature, translation, and early Chinese education.
For details, please refer to this video. or click here for our FAQ on CNKI access.
China Academic Journals Full-text Database
SUSS Library subscribes to only 2 collections:
This database collects numerous journals such as 当代、文艺研究、文学遗产、文学评论、读者、文史哲、鲁迅研究月刊、当代修辞学、中国翻译、学期教育研究:
(Login to SUSS Library when you are prompted to sign in. Refer to our FAQ on How to Login to SUSS Library for details.)
(新社科大图书馆电子资源须透过 SUSS Library Login 认证读者身份。请使用您的帐号登入。有关详情,请浏览我们的常见问题解答)
Search for Journal 如何检索期刊
Newslink is a newspaper database that offers archived news articles, photographs, infographics and PDF copies of 18 newspapers published by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH), namely The Straits Times, The Sunday Times, The Business Times, The Business Times Weekend, The New Paper, The New Paper on Sunday, Tabla, Tamil Murasu, Berita Harian, Berita Minggu, Lianhe Zaobao, My Paper, Shin Min Daily.
This database can accessed via Databases A-Z under "N".
Airiti Library contains journals, dissertations, and conference proceedings in the following two collections:
- Humanities (859 eJournal titles)
- Social Sciences (1184 eJournal titles)
The journals can be accessed via Databases A-Z under 'A'.
(Login to SUSS Library if you are prompted to sign in. Refer to our FAQ on How to Login to SUSS Library for details.)
您可通过Databases A-Z under 'A' 找着。
(新社科大图书馆电子资源须透过 SUSS Library Login 认证读者身份。请使用您的帐号登入。有关详情,请浏览我们的常见问题解答)
SUSS Library's subscription to China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) eBooks collection provides access to unlimited users to the full-text of selected Chinese titles covering Chinese studies, Chinese language and literature, translation, and early Chinese education.
(Login to SUSS Library when you are prompted to sign in. Refer to our FAQ on How to Login to SUSS Library for details.)
(新社科大图书馆电子资源须透过 SUSS Library 网站认证读者身份。请使用您的帐号登入。有关详情,请浏览我们的常见问题解答)
CJFD (also known as CNKI Journals)
This subscription covers the following 2 collections comprising journal articles:
1. Series F - Literature/ History/ Philosophy 哲学与人文科学
2. Series H - Education and Social Sciences 教育与社会科学综合 and Preschool Education 学期教育
(Login to SUSS Library if you are prompted to sign in. Refer to our FAQ on How to Login to SUSS Library for details.)
(新社科大图书馆电子资源须透过 SUSS Library Login 认证读者身份。请使用您的帐号登入。有关详情,请浏览我们的常见问题解答)
Global Publishing/World Scientific eBooks
The collection comprises titles on Singapore's politics, economy, history, and society written in Chinese and English. The two series of publications - SUSS Humanities Series 新跃人文丛书 and Chinese Enterprises and Communities Monograph Series 华商华社研究丛书 - published by the Centre for Chinese Studies@SUSS 新跃中华学术中心 are co-published by World Scientific.
(Login to SUSS Library if you are prompted to sign in. Refer to our FAQ on How to Login to SUSS Library for details.)
(新社科大图书馆电子资源须透过 SUSS Library 网站认证读者身份。请使用您的帐号登入。有关详情,请浏览我们的常见问题解答)
You can access our subscribed ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database to search and retrieve Chinese dissertations submitted by participating Universities such as Tsinghua University, Wuhan University, Xiamen University, Renmin University of China, Nankai University, Shanghai University, Zhejiang University, and Fudan University, etc.
(Login to SUSS Library if you are prompted to sign in. Refer to our FAQ on How to Login to SUSS Library for details.)
您可透过新社科大图书馆所订阅的 ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database 找到博士和硕士论文。合作单位包括清华大学、武汉大学、厦门大学、人民大学、南开大学、上海大学、浙江大学和复旦大学。
(新社科大图书馆电子资源须透过 SUSS Library Login 认证读者身份。请使用您的帐号登入。有关详情,请浏览我们的常见问题解答)
How to Access the ProQuest Chinese Dissertations
1. Go to Databases A-Z. Select 'P' and click "ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database"
2. Select "Advanced Search" 选择高级检索
3. Go to "Language". Check the box "Chinese". Click "Search" to display all results for Chinese Dissertations.
4. Enter any keywords in the search box to conduct searches. You can also filter by University/Institution to narrow your results.
Besides SUSS Library's subscribed resources, you can complement sources from various resources subscribed by the National Library Board (NLB), local clan associations, worldwide universities and academic research centres, and Singapore (SG) government websites for your learning and research purposes. As these are external sources not owned or subscribed by SUSS Library, please take note of the Terms and Conditions of use.
We will continue to add new open-access sources here progressively. Please look out for them!
Do you know that all members of NLB can access Chinese ebooks and journal articles remotely as long as they sign up for a digital account with NLB?
NLB's Chinese Language eResources comprise of the following(以下为国家图书馆的电子资源):
1. Chinese Language resources 中文电子馆藏
3. NewspaperSG (南洋商报,星洲日报,昭南日报,泛亚日报,联合晚报,新民日报,联合早报)
4. National Library Online (formerly known as Singapore Digitised Books)
Login with your NLB's digital account for access.
To find out more about NLB's membership, please refer to NLB's webpage.
Do contact NLB at if you have any queries regarding its membership or use of its online resources.
若您有任何疑问,请通过该电邮 直接联系国家图书馆。
1. Please bookmark the url in your browser as a quick link.
2. These free resources are not SUSS Library's subscriptions. Please direct your enquiries to the respective institutions if you require clarification on the use of their resources. 、
(Last updated: 3 July 2024)
1. Singapore Federation of Chinese Clans and Associations (SFCCA) 新加坡宗乡会馆
You can freely access a number of publications available from the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clans and Associations (SFCCA) website 新加坡宗乡会馆 (subject to SFCCA's Terms and Conditions).
您现在即可免费阅读新加坡宗乡会馆的在线出版物,其中包括《源》和《华汇》杂志等 (使用信息条规与讯息以宗乡总会的最新更改为准)。有关详情,请浏览以下网址:
1. Magazines and Handbooks 杂志和手册
2. Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC) 新加坡华族文化中心
You can access free resources on Chinese Singaporean art and culture via the SCCC website.
1. Chinese Singaporean Culture 新加坡本土华族文化
2. Resources 资源
3. Diversity & Singapore Ethnic Chinese Communities International Conference 新加坡华族之多元性国际会议论文集
1. Please bookmark the url in your browser as a quick link.
2. These free resources are not SUSS Library's subscriptions. Please direct your enquiries to the respective institutions if you require clarification on the use of their resources.
(Last updated: 03 July 2024)
1. Open-Access Scholarly Repositories - Theses/ Dissertations 开放获取学术存档 (博士和硕士论文)
You can access open-access publications from local and overseas Universities.(可参考以下海内外的大学获得开放获取出版物)
2. 国家哲学社会科学文献中心 (National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation, NCPSSD)
Affiliated to the China's Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), the National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation contains numerous academic journal articles on social sciences. (国家哲学社会科学文献中心藏有不少社会科学的文献)
Access to the free articles and ancient works requires the user to register using a personal email account (e.g. gmail or yahoo). Registered users can read all articles, including online and pdf articles by NCPSSD.
1. Please bookmark the url in your browser as a quick link.
2. These free resources are not SUSS Library's subscriptions. Please direct your enquiries to the respective institutions if you require clarification on the use of their resources.
(Last updated: 3 July 2024)
1. Singaporean Mandarin Database 新加坡华语资料库
2. [Singapore] Government Terms Translated
3. SG Translate Together 共创新译
1. Please bookmark the url in your browser as a quick link.
2. These free resources are not SUSS Library's subscriptions. Please direct your enquiries to the respective institutions if you require clarification on the use of their resources.
(Last updated: 13 August 2023)